We all have culture. It shapes our sense of self in this world - our identity.

Understanding the elements that make up our culture and identity helps us become aware of what defines us.

When we understand this, we can deepen our respect and appreciation for how others might define themselves.

0% Complete

Ever heard of Ngurra-kurlu? It means 'at home within'.

Warlpiri Elder Steven Wanta Jampijinpa says that for him, culture is made up of 5 interconnected elements: Land, Kinship, Language, Law and Ceremony.

Many First Nations Peoples recognise these elements as important.

5% Complete
When all 5 elements are connected and integrated, you have a sense of Ngurra-kurlu. You feel 'at home within'.
Pawu-Kuripurlurnu, WJ., Holmes, M. & Box, L. (2008). Ngurra-kurlu: a way of working with WarIpiri people (41). Alice Springs, Australia: Desert Knowledge Cooperative Research Centre.
10% Complete

With a few small changes, this framework can also apply to you. Let's see how…

15% Complete
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Australians Together Adaptation
Ngurra-kurlu Framework
20% Complete

Let's explore each of the 5 elements and see how they contribute to your culture and sense of identity. In other words, let's find out what makes you feel 'at home within'.

25% Complete
Click on an element to explore it more deeply.

30% Complete

Every group uses 'insider' language to uniquely describe stories and experiences.

Understanding and using that language builds and maintains your connection, your belonging.

Now it's your turn…
What are some examples of 'insider' language that's unique to you?
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Add your unique language here
Now choose one that's the most important to you.
Describe why this one is important or share a memory that relates to it. (Include at least ten characters to continue)
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Customs are repeated ways that your group knows how things are done.

They can be more formal, like celebrations that mark significant life events, or informal like annual holidays or weekly meals with friends.

Customs can be passed down through generations, or they might be new ones that you've created.

Now it's your turn…
What activities or celebrations are unique to you and your group?
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Now choose one that's the most important to you.
Describe why this one is important or share a memory that relates to it. (Include at least ten characters to continue)
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Place is more than a dot on a map. It's where you feel you belong; where you feel most at home and have a deep sense of connection.

This isn't always our physical home. We often connect with places that feel significant and bring meaning to our lives for reasons we can't explain.

Now it's your turn…
Which places do you feel most connected with, that give you a sense of belonging?
Add at least 2 to continue
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Now choose one that's the most important to you.
Describe why this one is important or share a memory that relates to it. (Include at least ten characters to continue)
0 / 250

We all have significant people in our lives who help shape who we are and what we do.

Now it's your turn…
Who are the most important people in your life?
Add at least 2 to continue
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Add your people here
Now choose one that's the most important to you.
Describe why this one is important or share a memory that relates to it. (Include at least ten characters to continue)
0 / 250

Values are our judgements and beliefs about what's right or wrong.

They influence our behaviour and help guide the choices we make and the way we think and live.

Now it's your turn…
What values are most important to you?
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Now choose one that's the most important to you.
Describe why this one is important or share a memory that relates to it. (Include at least ten characters to continue)
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Let's revisit your answers.

Consider how each individual element helps describe your culture and identity as a whole, and gives you a sense of being 'at home within'.

65% Complete
What activities or celebrations are unique to you and your group?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
What are some examples of 'insider' language that's unique to you?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
What values are most important to you?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
Which places do you feel most connected with, that give you a sense of belonging?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
Who are the most important people in your life?
One that's important to me:
70% Complete

What if …

elements of your culture and identity were taken away, harmed in some way or even devalued, and you were told they weren't important?

75% Complete
What activities or celebrations are unique to you and your group?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
What are some examples of 'insider' language that's unique to you?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
What values are most important to you?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
Which places do you feel most connected with, that give you a sense of belonging?
One that's important to me:
column separating line
Who are the most important people in your life?
One that's important to me:
80% Complete

Imagine your life without your and your 

How would you feel?

How would this loss impact your day-to-day life?

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85% Complete

When parts of your culture are damaged, devalued or taken away from you, it can have serious implications and impact your sense of identity, your sense of self.

It disintegrates your sense of being 'at home within'.

Losing parts of your culture and identity is hard to imagine. But this is exactly what's happened to many First Nations people.

90% Complete

Iris was only 14 when she was taken from her home. She shares with us the impact this had on her

Let's take a moment to listen to Iris's story…

90% Complete

Take a moment to listen to Iris's story…

93% Complete

The colonisation of Australia devastated many First Nations Peoples and cultures.

Many people and communities were removed from ancestral land, separated from family, forbidden from speaking language or practising law and ceremony, and their values disregarded.

96% Complete

Our cultures may differ, but their importance to our identities remains the same

Learning about Ngurra-kurlu means you become 'at home' in your own country. Stephen Wanta Jampijinpa

Understanding we all need these 5 elements to feel 'at home within' gives us the empathy to move forward, together.

100% Complete

What can I do next?

Take time to reflect on your experience today by downloading your responses for future reflection.

Which places do you feel most connected with, that give you a sense of belonging?
One that's important to me:
  • Why?
  • People
    Who are the most important people in your life?
    One that's important to me:
  • Why?
  • Language
    What are some examples of 'insider' language that's unique to you?
    One that's important to me:
  • Why?
  • Values
    What values are most important to you?
    One that's important to me:
  • Why?
  • Customs
    What activities or celebrations are unique to you and your group?
    One that's important to me:
  • Why?
  • Culture & Identity 05-05-24
    How does it make you feel having and taken away?
    Culture & Identity 05-05-24
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