Meaningful Action Guide

Understand what it means to take action in meaningful, respectful ways and get ideas for your next steps as a school or workplace

or, looking to take action in your...

4 key areas to take action in your classroom

Choose from the areas below and find over 50 ways you can take meaningful and respectful actions and steps toward embedding First Nations perspectives across your teaching.
Be equipped with what actions you can take, why they're important and how to make them happen.

What is this action about?
What do we want to achieve?
Why is this important?
What is the purpose of the action?
How do I take action in a respectful way?
What are the steps to make this happen?

5 key areas to take action in your school

Choose from the areas below and find over 70 ways you can take meaningful and respectful actions and steps toward embedding First Nations perspectives across your whole school.
Be equipped with what actions you can take, why they're important and how to make them happen.

What is this action about?
What do we want to achieve?
Why is this important?
What is the purpose of the action?
How do I take action in a respectful way?
What are the steps to make this happen?

5 key areas to take action in your workplace

Choose from the areas below and find 50 ways you can take meaningful and respectful actions and steps toward embedding First Nations perspectives across your workplace.
Be equipped with what actions you can take, why they're important and how to make them happen.

What is this action about?
What do we want to achieve?
Why is this important?
What is the purpose of the action?
How do I take action in a respectful way?
What are the steps to make this happen?

Meaningful action guide for individuals

Understand what it means to take action in meaningful, respectful ways and get ideas for the next steps in your community.

What is this action about?
What do we want to achieve?
Why is this important?
What is the purpose of the action?
How do I take action in a respectful way?
What are the steps to make this happen?