We support teachers to teach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives with professional learning and curriculum resources.
Our resources are created by applying the Australians Together Learning Framework and are developed alongside First Nations educators to ensure they're authentic and transformative.
Australians Together Learning Framework
Take a deep dive into the Learning Framework and explore our vast array of First Nations stories, activities, resources, and more. Curate your own customised learning journey to unlock the truth of our past, prompt reflection about our present, and inspire meaningful action that will bring about a brighter shared future for our nation.

Injustice from the impact of colonisation.
Discover our curated collection of stories, articles and statistics that expose the injustices at the heart of our nation.
Who are Indigenous Australians?

A past that shapes our story as a nation.
Tell stories that many Australians have never heard.
Immerse yourself in stories and articles to understand the connection between our nation’s past and present.
Busting the myth of peaceful settlement
Early missionaries to Australia
The civil rights movement in Australia

What’s it got to do with me?
Examines why this is relevant to every Australian.
Browse articles and stories that explore the ways we’re all connected, and what this means for us as Australians, collectively and individually.
What does this have to do with me?
Australia Day: answers to tricky questions

Everyone has culture. Know about your culture and value the culture of others.
Dive into stories and articles that explore the significance of culture and its role in building a brighter future together.
Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country

Steps we can take to build a brighter future.
Find inspiration in stories and articles that show even little steps can lead to big change when we do things together.
“We really wanted to have an authentic experience… so we made sure that we were doing it right because this is not our area of expertise.”
Lisa Sacristani, Head of Year 9, Donvale Christian College.
Middle School
Senior School
New study shows the Australians Together Professional Learning workshop helps teachers gain more confidence to embed Indigenous perspectives in the classroom - read the BIITE report here.
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We'd love to hear your feedback, comment or suggestions.
Contact us
08 7073 6499
PO Box 107
Acknowledgment: We wish to pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation, and further acknowledge the important role Indigenous people continue to play within our communities.
Deceased peoples warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website contains images or names of deceased people.