Schools can play an important role during National Reconciliation Week.

Book-ended by two significant dates, it's an event that all Australians can be proud of – the anniversaries of the successful 1967 Referendum and the High Court Mabo land rights decision.

 Talking with students about the significance of this annual event is a great place to start. If you’re a teacher we’ve got some resources that can help. 

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The 1967 Referendum

27 May is the anniversary of the historic 1967 Referendum, where Australians voted to amend two parts of the Constitution that excluded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Planning lessons about the 1967 Referendum?

Our curriculum resources are filled with activities, lesson plans and assessment ideas covering the 1967 Referendum, constitutional change and civil rights.
NRW Landing page related resources Y3 V3
Y3 HASS – Putting the YOU in community

Students explore community participation and how to actively contribute as an ally to First Nations communities.

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NRW Landing page related resources Y7 V3
Y7 Civics and Citizenship – How did a referendum change rights for First Nations people?

Students learn and understand that First Nations people have historically had fewer rights under the law compared with non-Indigenous Australians.

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The Mabo Decision

3 June is the anniversary of the 1992 landmark High Court Mabo decision, which rejected terra nullius and recognised First Nations Peoples as Traditional Custodians of Australia for the first time.

Teaching about Mabo and native title?

With teacher guides, student handouts, activities and more our resources can help you teach about the High Court Mabo Decision through to its impact on land rights and the abolishment of terra nullius.
NRW Landing page Y6 CR V2
Y6 HASS – The negotiation of native title

Students learn about the complex concept of native title, an important matter for many First Nations communities. 

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NRW Landing page Y10 CR V5
Y10 Civics and Citizenship – The High Court and the Mabo Decision

Students gain a detailed understanding of the role of the High Court in deciding in favour of native title. 

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NRW Landing page Y6 CR teacher guide V2

National Reconciliation Week related resources

Select from our comprehensive collection of engaging activities and useful resources created to help you navigate this important week of the calendar in your classroom.

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2024 National Reconciliation Week theme – Now More Than Ever

Each year Reconciliation Australia chooses a theme for NRW.

This year's theme is Now more than ever. 

Learn more 

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Here's more information related to this significant week ...