Essential Question

How do First Nations Dreaming stories connect with landforms and landscapes?

Warning — First Nations teachers and students are advised that this curriculum resource may contain images, voices or names of deceased people.

Unit details

Y8 Geography
Lesson Time: 40 minutes
Lessons: 10
Duration: 3 weeks

Australian Curriculum
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority.

Unit overview

In this unit, students will:

  • explore significant Australian landscapes and landforms
  • identify the geomorphic processes that create Australian landscapes
  • identify how Dreaming stories connect with landscapes and landforms
  • explore different perspectives and how these impact on land use
  • explore how they can care for Country
  • consider content in visitors guides to learn how this may impact on visitor behaviour.

Prior to starting this unit, students will need a basic understanding of:

  • types of landscapes (e.g., mountain, karst, human, coastal, desert and riverine)
  • types of landforms (e.g., volcano, bay, gorge)
  • geomorphic processes (e.g., uplift, tectonic plates).