
Foundation English, Dance & Media Arts – First Nations storytelling

Students are introduced to a variety of First Nations stories and different ways that stories can be told, such as through dance or oral storytelling. Students consider the messages or lessons found in both familiar and less-familiar stories and connect with the ways stories can bring us together.

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Foundation HASS, English, Health and PE & Dance – Exploring families, kinship and home

Starting with their own families, students explore ways of understanding family. They consider First Nations families and kinship and think about their own family as a continuous unit over time. The concept of Elders is used to highlight that everyone needs people who help them learn and be safe.

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Foundation English & HASS – Stories, families, places: belonging forever and ever

Students use story books, songs and videos to explore the importance of place and family in First Nations stories. Students look at past and present First Nations stories and explore texts that relate to place, family and belonging. Students reflect with their families on their own stories embedded in place and create their own texts.
Teacher guide
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Foundation English, Science & Visual Arts – Looking at and listening to our world

Students observe places and engage with art to develop scientific understandings of their own place and the continuity of seasons. They consider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and the limitations of applying European seasons in an Australian setting. The resource can be adapted to include local Indigenous knowledge.
Teacher guide

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Year 1

Y1 Science & English – Knowing Country

This unit explores the important information First Nations Peoples collect and communicate from observing the natural environment. Students will identify and make connections to what we observe, why we observe, how we observe and ways to communicate observations.

v9.0 AC9S1U02, AC9S1H01, AC9S1I03, AC9S1I05, AC9S1I06, AC9E1LA08, AC9E1LE04
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Y1 English, HASS & Drama – First Nations societies before colonisation: Dreaming, living, using waterways

Dreaming is reflected in stories and beyond to give meaning to the world. Students work with Dreaming stories, including creating tableaux in a drama activity. Students find evidence of pre-colonisation engineering, aquaculture and trade economies to learn about First Nations practices and to reflect on sustainability for a shared future.
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Y1 English & Science – Tracking meanings from cultures and Country

Students will be immersed in First Nations stories, art and dance and reflect on how this can enrich their own communication and understanding. They will learn how to use features such as animal tracks, visual patterns, rhyme, descriptive words and movement to read the world and communicate meanings to others.
ACELT1581, ACELT1585, ACSSU017, ACSIS213, ACELA1444
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Year 2

Y2 English & Health and PE – Words that welcome, acts that acknowledge

Students explore the meaning behind the Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country protocols and how we can use these protocols, meaningfully, to show respect for the relationship between First Nations people and Country.

v9.0 AC9E2LA01, AC9E2LA02, AC9E2LA09, AC9E2LE03, AC9E2LY02, AC9E2LY03, AC9HP2P02
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Y2 English & HASS – Exploring texts by Indigenous authors

Students explore connection to Country and place through Indigenous stories, including Dreaming stories and those by contemporary Indigenous authors. Students use stories to explore the language features of texts and oral storytelling.
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Year 3

Y3 Science, English & Media Arts – Life cycles

Students learn how First Nations Peoples understand and use the life cycle of living things sustainably. They develop an understanding and appreciation for the diversity of life through personal observation, investigation and creative writing.

v9.0 AC9S3U01, AC9S3I01, AC9S3I02, AC9S3I06, AC9E3LY02, AC9E3LY05, AC9E3LY06, AC9AMA4C01, AC9AMA4C02
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Y3 English – Sharing stories

Students engage with Indigenous stories to understand how cultural traditions are important in recognising similarities and differences across all people’s lives. They explore characters, settings, events and language features creating multimodal texts inspired by elements from stories they read.
ACELT1594, ACEL1596, ACEL1791
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Year 4

Y4 English & Health and PE – Stories of identity

This unit immerses students in the cultural stories and songs of First Nations Peoples, exploring the important role cultural practices and beliefs play in the development and expression of identity. Students consider the role culture plays in their own lives and reflect on how they might express their unique identity.

v9.0 AC9E4LE01, AC9E4LE03, AC9E4LE04, AC9HP4P01, AC9HP4P05
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Y4 English & HASS – Indigenous languages and Standard Australian English: influences and impacts

Students explore the diversity of Indigenous languages in Australia and how they’ve shaped the Standard Australian English used today. Students look at the historical context of European records of Indigenous languages, and consider how colonisation and the loss of Indigenous languages has impacted First Nations people and Country.
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Year 5

Y5 Media Arts & English – First Nations stories go digital

First Nations people are using media arts to share stories and keep culture strong. Students explore podcasts, music videos, animations, virtual reality and other media art projects that have been generated by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators. Students keep a blog (digital or written) to reflect on their learning each week.

v9.0 AC9AMA6E02, AC9E5LE01
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Y5 HASS & English – Perspectives on colonisation

Students inquire into the impact of colonisation on people and places throughout the late 1700s and 1800s. They look at the causes and effects of change on different groups of people, particularly First Nations Peoples, and the environment. Students explore varying perspectives on key aspects of colonisation.

v9.0 AC9HS5K02, AC9HS5K03, AC9HS5K04, AC9HS5S02, AC9E5LE01, AC9E5LY06
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Y5 English & Media Arts – One continent, many voices

Students examine literary texts by First Nations people that depict impactful events. They explore aspects of the texts that convey historical context, investigate narrative voices in the texts, and analyse the responses these voices evoke.

v9.0 AC9E5LE01, AC9E5LE03, AC9AMA6E02, AC9AMA6P01
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Y5 English – The power and purpose of protest

This unit explores protest songs of the 20th and 21st centuries from Australia and around the world, looking closely at the techniques employed by artists to persuade audiences to their way of thinking. Of particular focus are persuasive techniques: emotive language, simile, metaphor, personification, repetition, alliteration and rhyme.
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Year 6

Y6 English – Themes in First Nations texts

In small reading groups students explore themes in novels by First Nations authors. They experience a story through the lens of the author and examine characters, settings and events. This learning is then applied in group discussion and writing activities.

v9.0 AC9E6LE01, AC9E6LE03, AC9E6LE05, AC9E6LY02, AC9E6LY05, AC9E6LY06
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Y6 English – Rich expression: bringing together Indigenous languages and Standard Australian English

English in Australia has many influences. The rich diversity of Indigenous languages have helped to develop different varieties of English and influence the vocabulary of Standard Australian English. By understanding these contributions we show respect for all languages in Australia and can describe and understand this land more fully.
ACELA1515, ACELA1526
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Year 7

Y7 English – Poetry of place

Students explore poems by First Nations authors on themes such as connection to Country, disconnection from Country and heroes on Country. Students learn how literary devices are used by First Nations poets to build meaning, and create original poetry to demonstrate their learning.

v9.0 AC9E7LE01, AC9E7LE06, AC9E7LE07, AC9E7LA02, AC9E7LA03, AC9E7LA08, AC9E7LY03, AC9E7LY06
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Y7 English – The Sapphires: cultures & contexts

In this unit, students explore the ways that identity is shaped by cultures and contexts. A close analysis of the film, The Sapphires, encourages students to recognise the personal empowerment of culture and identity, and to consider the impact that a disruption to this can have on a person.

v9.0 AC9E7LE01, AC9E7LE02, AC9E7LE05, AC9E7LE06, AC9E7LY02, AC9E7LY03
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Y7 English – Whose experience? Whose perspective?

Students explore the representation of Indigenous characters in texts from different historical, social and cultural contexts. They analyse stories and songs of challenge told by First Nations people to build knowledge about culture and literary heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
ACELT1619, ACELT1622
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Year 8

Y8 English – Speeches for reconciliation

Students develop awareness of the ways speeches inform ideas and actions around reconciliation. Relevant concepts are unpacked and their representation in spoken texts is examined. Students engage with a variety of texts, a diversity of voices and different uses of persuasive language techniques.

v9.0 AC9E8LE01, AC9E8LE05, AC9E8LY01, AC9E8LY02, AC9E8LY05, AC9E8LY07, AC9E8LA01, AC9E8LA03, AC9E8LA04
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Y8 English – First Nations poetry and song

Students explore lived experiences of First Nations Peoples, reflecting on the use of language to examine themes of identity, Country and disconnection from culture. Students develop an understanding of tone and other literary devices, and skills in communicating their ideas about texts.

v9.0 AC9E8LA01, AC9E8LE01, AC9E8LE05, AC9E8LY08
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Y8 English – Contexts for reconciliation

This unit allows students to develop awareness of the ideas, contexts and perspectives around reconciliation. Students unpack relevant concepts and texts and are encouraged to convey a respectful attitude towards learning about a complex issue that affects all Australians.

v9.0 AC9E8LE01, AC9E8LE05, AC9E8LY01, AC9E8LA01
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Y8 English – Connection to Country in Indigenous-authored texts

Students learn how culture influences the way we write, and our perception of texts as readers/viewers/listeners. The history of the Indigenous relationship with written culture is examined. European and Indigenous concepts of land and Country are explained and compared. Students use this information to then analyse Indigenous texts.
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Year 9

Y9 English – Exploring First Nations texts

Students explore how First Nations Australian authors reflect unique ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing. This is achieved by reviewing the early history of First Nations literature and the difficulties of storytelling, and by analysing and contextualising protest poetry, drama and contemporary autobiographical writing.

v9.0 AC9E9LE01, AC9E9LA01, AC9E9LE02, AC9E9LE05, AC9E9LA08
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Y9 English – How have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literary texts emerged in Australia?

Students explore how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have traditionally been represented in literature in Australia. They examine stereotypes of people and misrepresentations of culture. Students then explore texts by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors.
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Y9 English – How does the media report on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?

Students engage in their own analysis of how mainstream media outlets report on events relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They examine stereotypes, racism and prejudice, and consider how readers’ perceptions of different groups might be shaped by approaches to reporting.
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Year 10

Y10 English – Dreaming: old and new ways

This unit encourages students to engage with and appreciate a diverse range of First Nations Dreaming stories. By exploring modernised texts, which have transformed previously oral texts into contemporary forms, students begin to appreciate the cultural importance of Dreaming stories.

v9.0 AC9E10LE01, AC9E10LE08
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Y10 English – Comparison of Indigenous and non-Indigenous media sources

Students understand key differences between mainstream commercial media and Indigenous-controlled media. They learn about how and why regulations and codes of practice governing the mention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in media reports have come about. Ideas for critical analysis are given.
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Australians Together Learning Framework

Take a deep dive into the Learning Framework and explore our vast array of First Nations stories, activities, resources, and more. Curate your own customised learning journey to unlock the truth of our past, prompt reflection about our present, and inspire meaningful action that will bring about a brighter shared future for our nation. 

The-wound The-wound
The Wound

Injustice from the impact of colonisation.

Discover our curated collection of stories, articles and statistics that expose the injustices at the heart of our nation.

Something’s not right

Who are Indigenous Australians?

First Nations disadvantage in Australia

Intergenerational trauma

The lack of treaty

The Intervention

Bob's story

Losing home Iris's story

Miliwanga's story

Separation  Ruth's story

Why-me Why-me
Why Me?

What’s it got to do with me?

Examines why this is relevant to every Australian.

Browse articles and stories that explore the ways we’re all connected, and what this means for us as Australians, collectively and individually.

What does this have to do with me?

Australia Day: answers to tricky questions

 Busting the myth of peaceful settlement

What's the fuss about Jan 26?

Mabo and Native Title

Our-cultures Our-cultures
Our Cultures

Everyone has culture. Know about your culture and value the culture of others.

Dive into stories and articles that explore the significance of culture and its role in building a brighter future together.

Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country

Why are culture and identity important?

The importance of land

First Nations kinship

Aboriginal Spirituality

Bob's story

My-response My-response
My Response

Steps we can take to build a brighter future.

Find inspiration in stories and articles that show even little steps can lead to big change when we do things together.

What can I do?

Fiona's story

Mark's story

Connecting locally with First Nations communities

Attending First-Nations-led events



How do I get the most out of these resources?

The resources are designed to be flexible and modular, working around how you like to teach. You can use the resources exactly as they’re designed, or as a starting point from which to build your own lessons. Make them your own and use them to help you feel more confident in class.

CR Page Example EcoKnowledge web
How Indigenous ecological practices can help reduce emissions 
Our resources cover a wide array of topic - not just history. For example, this Year 10 science resource provides a lesson plan that explores how First Nations approaches are being used in the fight against climate change.

Ready-made resources that save you time and help engage students

Make a difference in your classroom with easy-to-use, ready-made resources that will help your students understand First Nations stories, experiences and perspectives.

CR Page Benefits web
  • Everything is ready to go
  • Save you time
  • Authentic learning
"We really wanted to have an authentic experience… so we made sure that we were doing it right"
Lisa Sacristani, Head of Year 9, Donvale Christian College
CR Page ATHelpMe web

How will Australians Together continue to help me? 

Change takes time and we’re here to provide the support you need over the long term. We’re constantly building new resources and we love to hear from educators like you. Feel free to reach out at any point and we can see how we can help. Together we can build a brighter future and a more united Australia for everyone.

Here’s why so many teachers love our resources:

  • Everything is ready to go
    Our resources include teacher guides and student handouts.

  • Save you time 
    Teachers love our resources as they it saves them time when lesson planning and they’re packed full of activities that really engage students.

  • Authentic learning
    Teachers are following our resources’ responsive framework to confidently teach about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and perspectives.
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